An Interview with Laurie HastingsWe are about to begin hanging Laurie Hastings solo show
I Wish I Had a River and thought that getting to know Laurie a bit better was in order. Here are a few things that make Laurie tick....
Q - What made you choose illustration as your area of study and then career path?A - I started my foundation course at Chelsea College of Art with aspirations of becoming an interior designer. When I found I was more interested in the visuals and what they were trying to communicate, rather than the 3D models, I quickly realised a 2D life was the one for me! Once I started the illustration course I was sold...
Q - You must have a huge list of inspirations as an artist, want to share any?A - I always return to the city and urban landscape when seeking inspiration, whether it be memories from my hometown Hong Kong, places I visit, or admiring the interplay of Edinburgh's building and structure, old and new. I'm also inspired by people and their eccentricities, poetry, train journeys, music and drawing.
Q - We love 'I Wish I Had a River' as a title for your up and coming show, tell us how you came up with this Joni Mitchell inspired show name.A - Each illustration in the show is inspired by a song from Joni's album
Blue. When I arrived at the song
River, the lyric 'I wish I had a river I could skate away on' invoked all sorts of images in my mind, so I used it for the focus of the illustration. The phrase is beautiful and captivating so it seemed like a good name for a show.
Q - Have you found your style of work changing over this body of work or was it a natural progression from your last collection of prints?A - My approach has been different for this collection because rather than explore a specific theme, the work responds to lyrics and melody. So there has been a departure with regard to content, though stylistically I don't think there has been a great change.
Q - As well as working on illustration pieces, you have also launched a 'Suki' range of shoppers and purses. Do you plan on expanding this range?A - Yes, I think Suki has a lot more dancing to do!
Q - A fan of your work recently got one of your Suki characters tattooed on their arm. How do you feel about this?A - Amazed! Flattered!
Q - Any chance you can share your design process with us?
A - I draw and note ideas down in my sketchbooks whenever inspiration strikes. Once I have a more composed idea of what I want to achieve, I piece these sketchbook doodles together with new drawings and layer up the images through collage, computer and finally silk screen printing.
Q - What does the future hold for Laurie Hastings?
A - The near future holds the launch of a poetry book I have illustrated called 'Twinset', soon to be published by Knucker Press. After that, hopefully lots more drawing, exhibitions and interesting projects. If not, a one-way ticket to the Bahamas!