Thursday, 31 August 2017

Delight in the Details!

Kirsty BaynhamIt’s time to take a closer look at our Crag & Tail exhibiton and delight in the details !  All works in the show are inspired by Edinburgh and have details that will make you smile.  Kirsty Baynham has created the above print with stunning thoughtfulness.  Each bird featured is native to Edinburgh.  Within each bird is an architectural detail from a spot that the artist finds enchanting; an often overlooked detail of beauty.  detail -Kirsty BaynhamWorked into each detail and bird is the exact longitude and latitude of its location, meaning this print is a map of the city’s beauty spots.  A treasure map indeed!

Detail of Sarah RayAbove is a detail from Sarah Ray’s “Edinburgh” typographic print, we love how straight off The Royal Mile these “festival” characters feel, the full print spells out “Edinburgh”!

Arthur Sit Detail by Beth Lamont from The Crag and Tale Exhibition curated by Nicky Brooks

This cute detail is from Beth Lamont’s “Arthur’s Sit”.  It is inspired by the travels of an Edinburgh based pooch, do you recognise the pattern on the seat? You may have noticed on your travels around Edinburgh, the answer where, is here!Edinburgh Souvenirs print detail by hannah botma from The Crag and Tale Exhibition curated by Nicky BrooksA snow globe forms the central part of Hannah Botma’s “Edinburgh Souvenirs” print.  We love the magical detail in her illustration.  Hannah is the only illustrator to have highlighted Edinburgh’s smaller craggy hill and it’s connection to the stars.Mary and Neptune print detail by Niamh Purcell from The Crag and Tale Exhibition curated by Nicky BrooksThere is plenty of detail to enjoy in Niamh Purcell’s print, which started out as an elaborate painting with collaged details.  This full print is available here and is a tribute to Mary Somerville, the influential 19th Century Scottish Science Writer, for whom the phrase “Scientist” was coined both in place of “man of science” and also in reference to her multidisciplinary work.  Read the full story!Edinburgh Vaults print detail by David Fleck from The Crag and Tale Exhibition curated by Nicky Brooks

As opposed to looking skywards, David Fleck focused underground, on the Vaults and bridges that support our city.  Often overlooked, this stunning series of bridges gives Edinburgh its characteristic maze like feel, all of which is necessitated by the sharp cliff edge of the Craggy rock surrounding Edinburgh Castle.Edinburgh Vaults print by David Fleck from The Crag and Tale Exhibition curated by Nicky BrooksWe hope you’ve enjoyed this quirky look at some of the details in our Crag & Tale exhibition!  View the full collection here and have a lovely evening!
















Delight in the Details!

Stand Out Stationery📓✏️

Stand Out Stationery at The Red Door Gallery
It’s back to reality as the british summer comes to an end. The new term becons and thoughts of new stationery is on our minds. You can’t beat the start of a new term with it all shiny and new.  It’s been a little bit of a damp summer but we’re sure NEW stationery and bags are the way to cheer you up for the year ahead. We always remember our first weeks back at school being a scorcher so fingers crossed for some much needed sunshine!

We’ve got Notebooks for all tastes and styles. Whether you like to go geometric or like a little bit of humour in your life! 🙂Optical Geo A4 Quarterbound Notebook by Ohh DeerWe love this Optical Geometric Notebook by Ohh Deer. It’s sure to turn heads.I Like You Pencil Case, Ohh Deer, Gemma Correll, Pencil Case, Ohh DeerIf you love a little bit of humour then you’ll love this pencil case by Gemma Correll, We also have some great Notebooks by her too!

Here no Evil Notebook by Gemma CorrellKeep you’re pencils cosy in this gorgeous pencil case by Ding Ding. Available in 3 different colours of mid-century inspired designs. The Black one has stolen our hearts!

Mid Century Inspired Screen Printed Pouches by Ding dingKeep your notes compiled with one of Ding Ding’s Screen Printed Clipboards. They’re great for notes and notebooks or how about using them to display your favourite mini prints and post cards?

Large Navy Clipboard by Ding Ding

We love a bit of matchy matchy and colour pop! We think this cute tote by Atomic Soda would be great for keeping all your notebooks and folders together for a day at Uni and it perfectly matches the fun stationery above! 🙂

geometric tote bag my atomic sodaIf you love an interesting geometric notebook then you’ll love these guys by Olliepops. Created by our very own Gillian. There are lots of designs to choose from, Manuscript to Screen Printers notebook and simple dot and graph paper too.

If you’re a bit of a notebook collector, check out our Notebook section on our website. So many to choose from. We’re sure you’ll have find a notebook(s) to fit your style. Now what to write/draw on the first page??? That’s always the toughest part of a new one.

Stand Out Stationery at The Red Door GallerySome of our favourite items 😍

It’s almost time for another year to join the ranks at Edinburgh College of Art. This new print by Libby Walker shows all her favourite things from her time spent studying there. A great print for Allumni and those heading there for the first time, this year. We have both the original drawing and the digital version available of this great print.

Libby Walker ECA Print

What will your stationery of choice be? Happy Browsing. 🙂Save




Stand Out Stationery📓✏️

Friday, 25 August 2017

Crag & Tale Exhibition

For Edinburgh Festival 2017, The Red Door Gallery put out a call to our illustrators, inviting them to take a new view on Edinburgh.  The Red Door Gallery has been here for around 14 years, and these are some fresh takes on our dear city!

“Crag & Tale”, the title of the exhibition, was intended as a point of inspiration. Edinburgh city is famously built around the castle, which perches above the cities Old and New towns, on an ancient volcanic rock.  Fleck’s craft spirt inspired prints means there is a city view to accompany your favourite tipple, gin or whisky anyone?

Known locally as the Castle Rock, the craggy, solid land mass under the Castle was emphasised and exposed during the ice age. It was so resistant to glacial pressure that most soft rock surrounding it was carved away, with the exception of a protected slope leading off to the East. In geological terms, Edinburgh’s Old Town was built upon a “Crag and Tail”.  Ray Taylor’s print captures all the energy of a volcano and turns it into a celebration, a little reminiscent of Edinburgh Tattoo!

The Red Door Gallery is part of this tail, nestled underneath the Castle.  Paper cut artist Emily Hogarth has created a Dragon themed cut-out of this fantastic site.  This is an original piece from the renown artist currently designing works for the entrance to the new Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh.  A rare piece of work which will form the starting point for a screenprint later in the year.  This paper cut is available to buy here.

Our call to artists has produced an original and varied collection of contemporary works on paper. Each artist has used the city as the foundation on which to build their own, personal story and style.  Mister Peebles has found her trademark pun in this print of “Edinbear Waverly”, which is sure to bring a smile.(available here in A2 and here in A3 size).Libby Walker’s Edinburgh story focuses upon her time spent at Edinburgh College of Art.  The iconic architecture forms the back drop and memories to her print, while her heroes and memories of art school add life and colour.  We are also lucky enough both prints and the original drawing (click here). A rare to see her impressive drawing skills and for one wise investor to own an original Libby Walker! The Lindstrom Effect contributed two very different looking prints.  One captures the dramatic, ancient ruin at St Margaret’s Loch which can be found on Edinburgh’s other great crag, Arthur’s Seat. The second print features a modernist tribute to Edinburgh’s Commie Pool which was built in the shadow of Arthur’s Seat in 1970.  These two impressive buildings are separated by centauries, but are both well loved spots which hold personal memories for the artists.There are many more wonderful pieces in this exhibition, all of which take a recognisable, yet different view of the Edinburgh.  Click here to read more about each individual print and hear the artist’s motivation and inspiration!

Curated by Nicky Brooks.

Click on the images to find out more!




Crag & Tale Exhibition

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Happy International Cat Day

international cat day blog

It’s International Cat Day!!! Just another excuse to spoil your favourite furry friend or just celebrate your love for cute kitties.

Tabby Cat Jewellery by Hello SunshineWe’ve got lots of great Cat themed goodies behind our Red Doors. Here are just some of our favourites at the moment.

Kitty Enamel Pins by Hello SunshineWhich best matches your cute kitty? These are by the lovely Jo of Hello Sunshine. She has her own cute cats Toby and Pegs. Who have inspired her popular jewellery range. Are you a Tabby Cat or A Black Cat fan?

Glaring of Cats by Mister Peebles

If you’re cat is anything like ours they’ve got glaring down to a fine art. A Glaring of Cats is the collective noun for a collection of cats. We love this Mister Peebles print.

gemma correll, humour, cards, illustration,mugs

Cats and Coffee seem to go hand in hand for us. When Gemma Correll’s not drawing her favourite pugs. She can be found illustrating grumpy cats. This mug is one of our favourites.

Comtemporary Embroidery Kits by Hawthorn Handmade - Available at The Red Door Gallery

We love to spend an afternoon crafting if our furry critters will let us. This Embroidery Kit by Hawthorn Handmade is perfect for a quiet afternoon when the cats asleep in the other room. Ours is more likely to sit beside us and attack at every stitch!!

Hope you’re taking your kitty home some treats, We’re off home to see these wee cuties! 🙂

international cat day blogMeet Lulu – Nicky’s Cat

international cat day blogThe newest recruit is Ramen Ashley’s Cat!

Happy International Cat Day