With the help of Ohh Deer and one of our all time favourite illustrators Gemma Correll. We’re giving a great big Cheers to all the awesome Dad’s out there. With Father’s Day on the 18th of June, you’ve still got plenty time to make sure you get just the right gift for the big man in your life.
As you might have guessed, Red is our favourite Colour and we think Gemma might be a fan too. We can’t get enough of her humour and we always love to hear the chuckle 😂 from the card section as people emerge with a handful of her cards with their distinctive red and white stripey envelopes.

Her teaming up with Ohh Deer has meant that her collection has grown over the years making her illustration accessible to all, from cards to mugs and everything in between.

Dogs and Coffee. Two of most dad’s favourite things. We’re sure he’d love a CaPUGccino made in this cool mug.

This print of the works at Battersea Power Station by Georgia Boston x Cecily Vessey is a match made in heaven with our Red window. Cecily couldn’t help but be fascinated by the building works going on at the site of Battersea Power Station. This reminds us a lot of our Dad’s too and their obsession of cranes and big machinery.

If your Dad loves anything on Two Wheels and cycling then he’ll love this print inspired by the Raleigh Bike Builders by Rebecca Kaye.

Friday night was often movie night 🍿in our house. If your Dad is a big movie buff then we’re sure The Big Lebowski is in his collection. In these fab movie prints by Crispin Finn, they have painstakingly recreated each item from the movie in graphic form. It is these often overlooked objects and details that give classic films their edge and help draw you into the make believe world. Use the key included with the prints to spot each item as you watch the movie together. 🙂
We hope this has given you some great ideas for Father’s Day or any day where you’re looking for some fab Red and White themed Goodies for your nearest and dearest.
Say Cheers to your Dad! 🍻🐶