We received a lovely email yesterday from a customer who managed to snap this great shot whilst visiting Edinburgh and The Red Door in April. Not only is it a cracking shot, but one which the customers loved so much, they are framing to hang alongside their TV. We thought it was so sweet that they loved the photo so much, and even sweeter that they decided to share the story with The Red Door team. Thanks!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Here they are, all our 'Half Way Home' tenements in their individuality. From top to bottom they are created by:
The lovely Vala is one half of The Lindstrom Effect whose enchanting black and white prints and crocheted treats we show all year round, has another project on the go! Vala is a master knitter and along with her colleage Jo, is offering to teach you how to Knit your very own Bunting! Three evenings in The Broughton Deli, Edinburgh with piles of sandwiches, tea and The Lindstrom Effects latest works on show to keep you happy if you drop a stitch. The classes run from 6.30 - 8pm this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Places are limited and cost a mere £37.50. email art@broughton-deli.co.uk for more info.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
No doubt your eyes may have already seen this beauty of a music video for Benni Hemm Hemm’s “Retaliate”. Wonderfully illustrated and animated by Michael Kirkham and Vivien McDermid, we believe it is worth shouting about again, and again,.......and again. Benni Hemm Hemm's acoustic driven notes synch perfectly hand-in-hand with the duos stunning visuals.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
We like to think of The Red Door Gallery as a temporary home for all the artwork and objects we are provided with - almost a stopgap on the way to their final homes, which in Scotland might just be a tenement flat. With this in mind, we constructed 'Half Way Home', a show created from Finch and Fouracre's Tenement Model Kits which have been customised by a selected group of artists.
Just in are a fresh new batch of Jane Blease brooches - large or small, red, yellow or blue, and all the colours in between, these are a little slice of handmade goodness.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
The Creative Duo at Finch & Fouracre have just sent us their delightful new model kit of an ice-cream van to keep that summer feeling even though the sun may not be shinning! What a great thing to do on a rainy afternoon (followed of course by a delicious ice-cream!)
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Edinburgh is experiencing grey skies, mist and pretty miserable rain today. However all is not lost; when its rains, we get great images like this one. Taken in Edinburgh via Flickr.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Get your good selves down to the much loved Under The Stairs tonight from 7pm for the opening of Stags and Skellies, a new show by Edinburgh based Penny Forbes and Kirsty Anderson.
The show runs from 7th of July to 30th of August.